Carruthers Creek Golf & Country Club on the map, Ajax, Canada
Where is located Carruthers Creek Golf & Country Club
Carruthers Creek Golf & Country Club — local attraction, which is located at 650 Lake Ridge Rd S, Ajax, ON L1Z 1W9, Canada and belongs to the category — public golf course. Average visitor rating for this place — - (according to 122 ratings, information from open sources and relevant for 2022).
Exact location — Carruthers Creek Golf & Country Club, marked on the map with a red marker.
You can get directions to Carruthers Creek Golf & Country Club on the map from your location.
What else is interesting in Ajax? You can see all the sights if you go to the city page.
Carruthers Creek Golf & Country Club, Canada coordinates in decimal format: latitude — 43.85031480178068, longitude — -78.98013000197089. When converted to degrees, minutes, seconds Carruthers Creek Golf & Country Club has the following coordinates: 43°51′1.13 north latitude and -78°58′48.47 east longitude.
Nearby cities
The largest cities that are located nearby:
- Whitby — 8 km
- Oshawa — 13 km
- Markham — 25 km
- Richmond Hill — 34 km
- Toronto — 36 km
- Vaughan — 39 km
- Mississauga — 58 km
- Brampton — 61 km
- Oakville — 68 km
- Saint Catharines — 79 km
- Barrie — 80 km
- Burlington — 85 km
- Hamilton — 95 km
- Amherst (United States) — 99 km
- Guelph — 104 km
- Buffalo (United States) — 107 km
- Cambridge — 117 km
- Kitchener — 127 km
- Waterloo — 128 km
Distance to the capital
Distance to the capital (Ottawa) is about — 313 km.